1 here“I am here for you.” Such beautiful words. Can you imagine how your world would change if all would act from a place where this is the predominant thought? Instead of “What is in it for me?” the soul is more concerned with giving and serving. Why, with this attitude, there is no fear, no worry, no angst, no agitation, for these are human qualities. “I am here for you” comes from the soul, where there is no I and you, only love.

Is this a practical practice, to think and act from this place at all times? Perhaps not, for you are human, after all. The human has needs and needs looking after. Your needs are valid and to be honored , but be aware that humans think in terms of “either, or.” What if you think in terms of “both, and”?  You are both human and spirit. And so, as in all things, when you can find the balance between needs and giving, the result is pure joy.