1 oshoYour mind can be your greatest challenge. You think you have to think everything through, and therein lies the challenge: you think. The moment you begin analyzing, you have stepped away from the feeling part of you that communicates most clearly with the greater part of you: the heart.

The heart, in conjunction with the solar plexus, connects you directly with your intuitive sense, whilst the brain is a machine that analyzes, rationalizes, deliberates, and keeps you separate from responses that would serve the greater good instead of the lesser self.

Do you see how it works, this “getting out of the head and into the heart”? It only takes a simple shift in awareness and focus to find more connection and wise solutions.

Note from Suzanne:  I laughed as I heard this message coming through this morning.  Sanaya seems to be helping me spread the word about a live video discussion I will be having about this very topic this coming Saturday with host Jan O’Brien on her show, “Wandering But Not Lost.”  Find out more information on my calendar of events:  https://awakenedway.suzannegiesemann.com/calendarofevents/