You currently perceive the world through your five senses, for this is where you place your attention.  But does not a dog perceive the world differently?  Yes, for it sees not the same colors as you do due to different physical receptors within the eye.  And does not a plant perceive the world differently?  Yes, for it has no eyes at all.  Yet all have Consciousness.  All beings perceive reality differently based on their method of perceiving.  For each individual, perception is truly their reality.
So, what is truly real?  What is the one thing that never changes?  Step back behind the perceiver.  Who or what is perceiving the perceiver?  There is only one mind.  How boring would be existence if there were only one experience.  Instead, the One Mind has fragmented itself into billions and billions of focuses of consciousness to perceive its creation from every possible angle.  Yours is one.  Your neighbor’s is another.  Your cat’s is another.  And in that diversity, the Great Creator rejoices and enjoys.  So, rejoice and enjoy your reality today.  You are co-creating in a grand way. 
Isn’t it truly grand to be a part of the One?