Why do you pray for strength when faced with challenges? First, know that it is the separate ego-self praying. You pray to that greater part of you that gives you life. Know that there is no separation twixt the two. Having prayed, you activate this Force within you. It is always there, but finally you are saying, “I acknowledge you. Thy will be done through me.”

Know that as the strength and courage you have prayed for seems to appear, it only does so because you have recognized what has been there all along. It is true that God never abandons you or gives you more than you can handle, for you are a facet of the Strength for which you pray.

It is the Voice of God reminding you to pray in the first place. This brings you back to the innate awareness that you are far more than the limited human. Fear not. God will never leave your side, for that is a physical and spiritual impossibility.