What is this shift in consciousness everyone is talking about?  It is the human being awakening from unconscious behavior to conscious behavior.  But it is far more than behavior.  It goes to the very core of what you are.  It is awakening from millennia of years of slumber as separate humans who think, to humans who reason, to awakened humans who no longer need to think, for they know.  Know what?  They know that it is thinking that gets them in trouble by thinking they are separate.

What they come to know as a result of awakening is that they are not separate beings, but Being, vibrating at different rates.  As pure Being, you can know without thinking, and ego does not like this, for then the gig is up for ego.  What a shift!  From separation to unity consciousness.  Yes, it is a quantum leap, for the separate self and the state of unity consciousness are two different states of consciousness, or levels, of reality.

The last quantum leap was from the animal state of being to the human being who could reason enough to know “I am.”  And for the next giant leap for mankind, all of you will move from “I am” to looking in each others’ eyes and seeing I AM there just the same as in your own being, and you will all know that all of that thought of separation was just a dream.

That is the ascension everyone has been talking about.  You are not “going” anywhere, for there is nowhere to go in a world where there is no death.  You are ascending in this shift from a bottom-up view of separation to a top-down view of unity, of oneness.  Get on board, why don’t you?  This train has already left the station.

Note:  Sanaya has summarized in this message today their longer message given in the channeling session shown in this video:  https://youtu.be/9ZgXxatPtwM

We have shortened the full session to a five-minute segment that includes an energetic transmission to aid in raising consciousness.  Experience it here:  https://youtu.be/cIuZrAk8y-U