funAt times you wish to shield yourself from vibrations which you find uncomfortable. These often accompany emotions. “Why would I want to feel discord?” you ask, and we ask you, Are you not alive? Aliveness encompasses the full spectrum of feelings, of vibrations. In shunning the lower vibrations, you are only half alive. “But that is how I feel when I wallow in my pain,” you say, “Half alive.” And we say, therein lies the problem. In calling it “my pain” you have claimed it not only as your own, but as an actual thing that can easily remain lodged within the confines of your physical body and even eventually lead to sickness.

Hear us well: emotions and feelings are not things. The only thing that is really yours, really permanent, is pure awareness, which is no “thing” at all. In this awareness, as you become aware of lower vibrations, acknowledge them and feel them. Acknowledge your aliveness in that moment. Fully alive! And then allow that vibration to continue on through your field of awareness, not taking up residence, but merely passing by or through and dissolving.

No “thing” — that is what emotions are, just like your thoughts. With awareness you can experience the full spectrum of what it is to be alive and not suffer.