“Get on your high horse.”  What does this mean?  You step onto the saddle of a tall horse and from there look down upon all, surveying others now from a position of authority based only upon altitude.  Do you see the folly?  The only thing that has separated you from others is that your seat is physically higher.  You have the perceived advantage of a creature to ride whilst others walk, even though seconds ago you were walking.  And what if you are thrown to the ground by this horse?  Now even you could be trampled.  This is the danger of false perceptions and false pride.

No one is any greater than another.  Power is illusory in the human world.  It comes and goes and is based upon false agreements as to what is important.  Be careful when you climb onto that high horse.  If you find yourself in a position where you have a greater view, recognize that instead of lording power over others, now you have been given an opportunity.  How will you use it?  Judge not, but serve with an open heart, knowing that there in the heart all are equal … there, in the heart, where the viewpoint never changes.