We have advised you repeatedly to surrender if you wish to
have greater experiences of a greater reality. 
What do we mean by this word “surrender”?  Let go of old concepts that bring you
fear.  Let go of your doubts.  Let go of concerns of what others will
think.  Let go of anything that is less
than love(ing).  Fear, doubts, concern,
non-love … what do these sound like to you? 
Traits of the ego.  

Now, do not judge the ego, poor thing.  He is only doing his job to help you to learn
and grow.  It is when you identify
yourself with him that you get in trouble. 
You are not that lesser being. 
You are a magnificent, shining light who has no fear, no doubts, no
concerns, and who is nothing less than love. 
When you remember to surrender your attachment to ego—when you can let
go of the grip he has on your hand, then you will float ever higher, and we
promise you that you will not fall.