Note from Suzanne: At 2:30 this morning my husband and I got up and went outside to see the lunar eclipse. It was one of the most incredible sights I’ve ever witnessed. Gazing at the full, red moon, my heart was full as well. It was a spiritual moment for reasons I couldn’t explain. Rationally, I knew the exact cause of the eclipse. Having just finished reading Stephen Hawkings’ new book, “Grand Design,” I knew Hawkings would scoff at me for attributing spiritual feelings to a lunar eclipse. I was pondering the experience this morning as I began my meditation. Without asking for an answer, Sanaya gave me a beautiful one.

To the scientist who believes not in God, we ask him to study his finger. What is it that makes it move and obey his every command? “The brain,” he replies, and this is understandable, for when the brain no longer functions, the finger no longer functions as well. But what gave rise to the brain in the first place? The brain took form, yes, from the union of egg and sperm. But take that answer as far back as you can go and ask the same question. What gave rise to the first seeds of all that exist? And what keeps all living things living? Why is there life at all? Why is there love?

Deep questions, for sure, and for sure there will always be scientists who can explain away all with reasoned answers. But explain, then, the emptiness experienced inside at the thought of a world created without a loving Creator. Explain away the coldness of a world created not from Love. For this there can be no scientific explanation. For those who have found God within their very hearts and continue to find God by expressing “godliness” through the heart, there is no need for explanations. Experience speaks far more rationally than words or reason.

You may never fully understand the First Cause, but you may come to know it in your heart, and thus banish the coldness and the longing. It is impossible to understand that which is infinite, but fully possible to experience it. Once experienced, there is no need for words.