Do not let fear run your life.  You are Love. 
You are an extension of the greatest Power, the only Power that
exists.  Anything that you think or exhibit
that is less than Love is not in alignment with your true nature and will give
you the experience of agitation.  Yes,
you are surrounded by those who do not realize who they are.  Yes, they perform acts which have the
potential to impact you at a human level. 
When you hold in mind Who you are, you rise above the agitation level,
become centered, and find peace. 

When you live from that centered place which resides in the
heart and not the head, then you radiate love and not fear.  You attract to yourself only the
highest.  Those who would perpetuate
lower acts do not even see you.  Radiate
fear and you might as well put a sign on your chest that says, “Here I am:  One who does not see clearly.”  Remove the sign so that the love flows unimpeded
from your heart.