all about family.  Why?  Because all is one.  Life is about relationships, which help you
to feel the oneness, to feel the connection and interrelatedness of all
souls.  If you have “issues” with family
members, then they have much to teach you about love.  Thank them for the opportunity to grow and
learn through your relationship with them, and yes, through the struggles.

is not another’s responsibility to love you. 
It is their lesson.  It is your
lesson as well.  Family is the great
vehicle given to you through which to learn to love.  Can you do that, no matter what?  That is the lesson.  See past the human on the outside who makes
human remarks and does human things to the spirit within who made the decision
with you as spirit to experience life together as a family.  Now, that is cause for celebration. 

your family for helping you to grow in love and to thus see the oneness in the
great family of humanity.