Discernment … determining
truth from what is not truth.  Can you
look at a field of beautiful flowers and pick out the weeds?  Are you sure? 
What constitutes a weed?  Is it a
judgment or a knowing?  To practice true
discern …

Note from Suzanne:  And here I am given a true example of
discernment as the message abruptly stopped. 
There was nothing there.  It was a
completely different feeling (connection vs. no connection).  At first I was confused, then the words began to flow again, and I “got it” – I understood that they were giving me a living example
of today’s lesson …

… now pick us up
again.  There.  Very good. 
That is discernment.  It is often
quite subtle, knowing what comes from spirit and what comes from ego.  Sit in the silence regularly and ask to be
guided night and day.  Then, when the
guidance comes you will be able to discern, “Is this a flower or a weed?  Can these words I safely heed?”