Lonely is a state of mind.  Why are some content to be found only with themselves, whilst others experience sadness and at times even panic?  Go back, back, back in your personal history as a human, but only for your own enlightenment.  We do not wish you to dwell in the past, but to visit it for understanding.  What did you learn to tell yourself long ago that gave you the need for others’ presence in order to feel safe?

You are safe and loved now.  This is one of your greatest tasks–to learn and know this.  Yes, it is delightful to be in the presence of those you care about, but you are deeply cared about at all times.  Sit in the silence and ask to feel fully how very deeply you are cared for.  These are not mere words.  We pray that you will do so.  Ask for this experience, and when your prayers are answered, you will begin to crave these sacred moments of silence when no other is around.

Seek balance between enjoying others and being alone, and never again fear loneliness.