The Daily Way

New Vistas

2024-02-10T07:55:01-05:00February 10th, 2024|

If you have done things a certain way for quite a while and suddenly you are given new methods, expect a period of transition. Old patterns are exactly that … well-worn paths upon which you have trod long enough to become a part of you. Now you must allow grass [...]


2024-02-09T07:02:14-05:00February 9th, 2024|

The death of a loved one has brought you to read these words in a round-about way, has it not? And what else has it brought you? Changes you did not foresee. Yes, it took the legs out from under you, but you continue to move forward. That weakness has [...]


2024-02-08T07:44:24-05:00February 8th, 2024|

You are never given more than you can handle. You may feel so at times, but it is that feeling of overwhelm that causes you to reach out for assistance. In so doing, you find out that you cannot do it all by yourself. Why? For you are an interdependent [...]

The Fullness of LIFE

2024-02-07T08:26:29-05:00February 7th, 2024|

You pass through frigid air on your way to a hot tub. You brace yourself and bear the cold knowing it is temporary and will be followed by something far more pleasant. This is a microcosm of the macrocosmic cycles of life: pleasantness followed by unpleasantness followed by … you [...]

Gift Wrapped

2024-02-06T08:09:50-05:00February 6th, 2024|

Expect surprises. To accept the mundane is to remain in a box of your own making. Who does not enjoy receiving a gift-wrapped box? A bow on top creates an added bit of suspense as you pull the ends that are delaying the revelation of what lies inside. Consciousness cannot [...]

Beyond the Roles

2024-02-05T07:44:10-05:00February 5th, 2024|

When you watch a favorite program, do you not come to love the characters? They are like old friends. And then, the program ends. The season is over. Do you not feel a bit bereft? And so it is in life, itself. You suffer when you identify solely with the [...]


2024-02-04T08:32:00-05:00February 4th, 2024|

You speak of rising above your challenges. This is a most excellent visual, but perhaps there is yet another way to view a situation. Do you know the word “transcend”? It means to go beyond. What if you understood you are not only human. To rise above would give you [...]

Aware Awareness

2024-02-03T07:53:06-05:00February 3rd, 2024|

You are part of an undivided Wholeness. Wholeness of what? Consciousness. Awareness. You know Awareness. It is your most basic sense. It is the first sense that You—playing your role—become aware of when you open your eyes after sleeping. It is the first sense that You become aware of when [...]

Your Chariot

2024-02-02T07:54:23-05:00February 2nd, 2024|

The body is a finely tuned machine. You, dear soul, are the driver of this wondrous vehicle. Please make sure you mind the fuel you feed it. Please make sure it gets regular tune-ups. Please keep it clean and shiny to prevent rust and the accumulation of dirt and grime. [...]


2024-02-01T07:41:47-05:00February 1st, 2024|

Do you know that you are here to grow and evolve? This is the nature of life … growth. But growth is not only at the physical level. Evolution is part of the mental, spiritual, and emotional aspects of you. There is an evolutionary push and pull within you. With [...]


2024-01-31T07:08:00-05:00January 31st, 2024|

When you examine the trajectory of your life, you see how each choice has brought you exactly to who you are now. You may not have wanted some of the major events that caused you much pain, but like a sword, you have been forged by the fire, and are [...]

New to You

2024-01-30T08:27:05-05:00January 30th, 2024|

New ways of doing things may throw you off for a bit. Hold fast to your intention. If you truly believe that the new method to which you have been introduced will prove helpful, then stay with it. Cease trying and allow it to simply become part of who you [...]

Working Out

2024-01-29T07:56:31-05:00January 29th, 2024|

You pick up a weight that you have lifted in the past and somehow it seems heavier. It has not changed. You have simply not used the muscles necessary to lift it as much as in the past. What are you no longer exercising in your day to day interactions [...]

Just Right

2024-01-28T07:51:17-05:00January 28th, 2024|

Practice makes … for more experience. Do you know anyone who is perfect? We challenge you to find such a one outside of the One. All have aspects that attain a state of harmony with the concept of perfection, but in a dynamic state of flow such as you are, [...]


2024-01-27T08:03:53-05:00January 27th, 2024|

You have some meals which are quite simple. One or two ingredients and you savor the taste. Others are quite complex, and each ingredient adds to the overall experience. Which are you? Simple or complex? You are both! This is the beauty of life: It is both/and, not either/or as [...]


2024-01-26T08:17:18-05:00January 26th, 2024|

Whenever you become upset or knocked off balance in any way, repeat this phrase: “Isn’t that interesting!” In this way, you have taken all previous and future thoughts and stripped them of their ability to rock you about. With “Isn’t that interesting!” you are not judging and labeling a thought, [...]

Same Same

2024-01-25T08:10:38-05:00January 25th, 2024|

What you criticize in another you will find in yourself. “Oh, no,” you protest, but look carefully. Have you not and do you not exhibit the same characteristics from time to time? And there is a part of you that knows this is out of alignment with your essential nature, [...]

At Peace

2024-01-23T07:41:47-05:00January 23rd, 2024|

More, more, more. It is the human way to want more and to not be satisfied with what is here, now. Take, for example, your long-held belief that you cannot eat only one potato chip. If you cannot be satisfied with one, will you be satisfied with two? Likely not. [...]

Along the Way

2024-01-22T08:16:33-05:00January 22nd, 2024|

Trust the plateaus. Every journey involves periods of rest and rejuvenation. And what comes afterwards? More climbing. Yes, the ascents lead to new vistas, new experiences, but along the way there is learning, even during the periods of rest. Do not grow frustrated or frightened when you seem to be [...]


2024-01-21T08:09:17-05:00January 21st, 2024|

Life goes on. You have your routines … the things that keep you on track, keep you feeling safe and secure. And then something happens to shake things up a bit. Now you feel tension as the pull to return to your routines exerts itself. It is all energy, dear [...]


2024-01-20T08:04:44-05:00January 20th, 2024|

There is always more to be learned. Just when you think you’ve discovered what makes you tick and what is blocking you from growing, something comes along and stares you in the face. What has caught your attention lately, for it had no reason to pop up when and where [...]


2024-01-19T08:00:08-05:00January 19th, 2024|

Never give up your efforts to connect across the veil. Why would you? Because you are not feeling a presence? Because you are not receiving messages? What if your breakthrough were to happen the day after you gave up? How would you know? We encourage you to hold onto your [...]

Banding Together

2024-01-18T08:06:00-05:00January 18th, 2024|

You need to band together. What is a band, but a continuous circle without interruption. It unites all particles into one unit with no beginning and no end. And with this analogy, there is another use of the word band. It is one in which all come together with different [...]


2024-01-17T08:10:20-05:00January 17th, 2024|

“What can I learn from this person?” This is a most excellent question to ask when you meet another, be they what in human terms you consider superior or inferior. Oh, these terms that separate. By asking, “What can I learn from this person?” you dissolve thoughts of superior and [...]

At Home

2024-01-16T08:36:32-05:00January 16th, 2024|

Seeing and being oneness begins at home. What if there is no me and you, mine and yours in your relationships? What if there is only one unit known as us, flowing together and growing together? What decisions would you make differently? How differently would you act? See those around [...]

The Bigger Picture

2024-01-15T08:14:31-05:00January 15th, 2024|

There comes a time when you must change direction. The idea you were pursuing that seemed to have merit turns out to have some elements of which you were unaware that may cause greater challenges than you anticipated. As you gain the bigger picture, be willing to abandon one idea [...]


2024-01-14T08:11:26-05:00January 14th, 2024|

You walk a balance beam between playing your role in human form and maintaining awareness of your more spacious nature as the soul who you eternally are. Do you feel lonely? Lean a bit toward soul awareness. Do you seek guidance? Lean once again to your spacious nature. Of course, [...]


2024-01-13T06:41:42-05:00January 13th, 2024|

And what if you hung upside down from a tree? How would your view of the world change? Or perhaps you would lie sideways on a bench and watch the world go by. What would that do to your perspective? Do not allow the view your eyes provide you, always [...]

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