The Daily Way

Gifts from Heaven

2023-06-14T08:46:43-04:00June 14th, 2023|

Find a penny, pick it up. Now, do not simply wish for good luck. Notice the location of the penny. Notice what you were thinking about—or who—just before you found it. Notice the year of its production. Now you are catching on. Signs from Heaven are delivered in meaningful ways, [...]

Going Up

2023-06-13T08:30:47-04:00June 13th, 2023|

Be grateful. Even when you are challenged to find something to be grateful for, there is an energy in the searching that pulls you out of the muck. You are never fully stuck. Gratitude is like an elevator, but you must open the door and get aboard. Why does it [...]

Swept Up

2023-06-12T07:51:11-04:00June 12th, 2023|

Going along with the crowd is more than just doing what others say and think. There is more going on below the surface than you are aware, and that is the challenge. With awareness of subtle energy, you would recognize that you are merging, blending, and reacting to others’ energetic [...]

Basking in Being

2023-06-11T08:44:20-04:00June 11th, 2023|

Self worth. You use the word as if it is something people must gain, as if it is a gift. It is an unnecessary word when you remember that you are all emanations of the one Light of Consciousness. It makes no sense to speak of worthy or unworthy, for [...]

In Another’s Shoes

2023-06-10T07:43:09-04:00June 10th, 2023|

Change disdain to compassion and see how that changes things for you. You cannot know what another has gone through or is facing in the moment you look upon them. Yet, you have likely experienced your own trials. This is the source of compassion. To wear another’s shoes is to [...]

Outside the Drama

2023-06-09T09:32:40-04:00June 9th, 2023|

You read your headlines and gasp. Of course you do. Look at the things humans do to each other. Now you face a choice. Get sucked into the drama or see it for what it is. It is an opportunity to create a different ending from a place outside the [...]

Always Special

2023-06-08T08:38:15-04:00June 8th, 2023|

Special days in a loved one’s life cause you to ask for special favors. “Send me a sign, please,” you ask, and those in spirit will do their best to comply. For them, each day is special, for they see you and follow your thoughts and actions far more than [...]

What You Are

2023-06-07T08:54:47-04:00June 7th, 2023|

Darkness. It is the absence of light, not a thing unto itself. You can add light to a dark room, but you cannot add more darkness. What to do when all seems bleak? Turn up the light. You control this light. Yes, read these words again. The light within you [...]

All Connected

2023-06-06T07:30:49-04:00June 6th, 2023|

There are always surprises when you realize you are part of one big web. If you were a sole operator, you could predict every outcome, but you are a soul operator—part of an intricate system of Light in which all is connected. You only think you act in isolation. You [...]


2023-06-05T07:30:26-04:00June 5th, 2023|

Why worry? Does it help? You are convinced that if you don’t worry, then things will go awry. This is incorrect. It is helpful to think through what it may be prudent to plan for. It is prudent to take precautions to avoid that which has a high probability of [...]

With Focus

2023-06-04T07:36:20-04:00June 4th, 2023|

You say the mind wanders as if it is a thing. The brain is constantly processing sensations, thoughts, and feelings that arise from the One Field of Awareness. You are aware of these and put your attention on one after another without using your will to focus the attention on [...]

Just Breathe*

2023-06-03T08:04:23-04:00June 3rd, 2023|

It is quite easy to get caught up in the story of your life. “What else is there?” you ask when trying to imagine life without the drama. There is simply being. This is a state you knew quite well when first you entered the body. You looked about you [...]


2023-06-02T08:27:25-04:00June 2nd, 2023|

Here is a map. You can see the roads lined out quite clearly and you start down one with a known destination. And what if another destination has not yet been discovered? What if it is there but there is not yet a path? Could you not miss it? Might [...]


2023-06-01T08:09:33-04:00June 1st, 2023|

Just as a river flows from a greater sea, You as a soul are equally free. Think of yourself in terms of flow. You are not fixed in place with no place to go. You are far greater than what you see with the eyes. To grasp your magnificence you [...]


2023-05-31T07:52:11-04:00May 31st, 2023|

“But we have nothing in common!” you say when referring to another whose interests and beliefs may differ from yours, and there you err. You have humanity in common. You grieve, you cry, you hurt. You celebrate, you rejoice, you congratulate. The pains and pleasures of being human may at [...]


2023-05-30T07:31:10-04:00May 30th, 2023|

When you try to connect with a loved one who has passed, how do you try? This makes all the difference. If you go through human steps and processes like a machine, you will be less likely to make the connection. It is not the steps that are the impediment. [...]

Let’s Chat

2023-05-29T07:20:18-04:00May 29th, 2023|

If you wish to go for a walk with a friend, more than likely you would chat the whole time, sharing your challenges and joys, receiving support and companionship.  You would be grateful for the listening ear and open heart your friend brings.  Do you not realize you have guides [...]

Shine On

2023-05-28T07:48:45-04:00May 28th, 2023|

Billions of stars light up your sky, and yet you feel alone.  Lie on your back on some clear night, why don’t you, and ponder those stars.  Who created them?  What Source?  Are they not magnificent?  And Who created you?  And are you not magnificent?  As you gaze upon the [...]


2023-05-27T07:20:56-04:00May 27th, 2023|

Love is all that matters.  This may seem a nonsensical statement to those who are worried about putting food on the table and paying bills.  This we understand.  What we wish you to understand is that there are two ways with which to view your life: as a human, who [...]

Ride the Wave

2023-05-26T07:33:48-04:00May 26th, 2023|

Circular movements represent the shape of creation.  All arises from the void and returns again to silence.  All is vibration.  You arose from the mind of the Divine Mind, beginning as pure spirit and to Spirit you will return.  You experience what you know as birth and death, but these [...]

Be the Light

2023-05-24T07:33:09-04:00May 24th, 2023|

It is easy to become discouraged when you read your headlines. You work to bring more love into your world. You do your best to be the presence of love, to see only goodness, and in less than one minute a single focus of ignorance brings pain to many. One [...]


2023-05-23T07:29:01-04:00May 23rd, 2023|

Ask questions. Ask questions ceaselessly. Never be satisfied as long as you have suffering or pain. Ask others, of course, but the greatest answers to your questions arise when you go within and touch the soul. With the soul ignited, in soul awareness, you then touch a higher power. That [...]


2023-05-22T07:16:43-04:00May 22nd, 2023|

It is all about the connection.  God could have remained alone.  God knows only love, but there is something engendered through connecting that cannot be experienced until experienced.  You can love yourself fully.  You can enjoy your alone time, but to expand the heart outward is a pleasure unto itself.  [...]

A Single Step

2023-05-21T07:22:40-04:00May 21st, 2023|

A long journey begins with a single step. Do not worry about the distance you have to travel. Be aware only of being. You are. You, at another level, are neither here nor there, and you exist not in time, but in the timeless state of being. How does this [...]

The Story

2023-05-19T07:14:29-04:00May 19th, 2023|

Death is not the end of your story. Yes, it is an ending of a chapter, but your story is ongoing, as is that of all of those you love who are no longer in physical form. The next chapter will look somewhat different than this one. This is evolution. [...]


2023-05-18T08:25:22-04:00May 18th, 2023|

The way you gaze upon a newborn babe? That is how Source gazes upon you. The way you cannot get enough of a delicious scent? That is how desirable your life is to Spirit. The way you think “how clever” when a child recites the alphabet? That is the joy [...]

The Big Picture

2023-05-17T08:22:04-04:00May 17th, 2023|

Do your best not to catastrophize when unexpected news comes your way. When things seem to be going to Hell, you are in it in your thoughts. Pull yourself upward with a few deep breaths during which you are well advised to shift your attention to the heart. The head [...]


2023-05-16T09:36:37-04:00May 16th, 2023|

Love is the connective tissue that binds you all. Do not think of it as an emotion. The feeling you experience is the byproduct of the total connection. This is love. Could you see beneath the surface, so to speak, you would see that all of you exist in a [...]

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