What makes a wave rise? It is your laws of physics. Laws are in effect in all aspects of your world. Were this not so, there would not be growth, only chaos. Due to the laws of nature and the Law of Love, there is growth ever upward. You call this “evolution.”
At the present time you are experiencing a surge in the evolution of human consciousness. Jump on your surfboard, my friend, and ride this wave. Stand fearlessly at the crest and call to those below you: “Come along! It is not as frightening as it seems! In fact, it is quite exhilarating.”
As you push aside the fear of new experiences and new beliefs, you help to raise your consciousness and that of those around you. Ride the wave, for it will take you to new heights of love, to new heights of understanding. Once you have achieved each new level of mastery, there is no turning back. Then you will realize that the ride is endless and ever enjoyable.
Surf on.