Why does stroking the
skin feel so good?  Why does petting a
dog bring such pleasure?  What is it
about touch that draws you to repeat it? 
It is all about connection.  You
touch another, and suddenly there is no separation between you.  You become one.  Skin and fur are created to feel pleasurable
so that you will be drawn to feel this connection.  Even the petals of a rose bring you pleasure,
for is not a rose a living thing with which you can enjoy connection?

Put your hand on your
own cheek and caress it lovingly.  How
does that feel?  If it is not pleasurable,
the only reason is a mental association with false beliefs.  Now is the time to root them out.  Stroke or touch something or someone today
that brings you pleasure to remind you of what true connection is.  Now repeat the experiment again with the
cheek until you feel the same connection. 

The pleasure, my
friend, stems from love.  This is the
highest vibration.  This is the
connection, the vibration all seek. 
Continue touching.  Continue
connecting.  This is what Life is all