When you are unable to feel joy, happiness, and love toward another, you suffer.  Why?  Because connection is your true nature.  At a deeper level than your normal human awareness, all is connected.  The heart knows this.  Separation is learned behavior.  Separation is learned behavior.  Separation. Is. Learned.  Behavior.  Look around you. Of course you think you are separate.  This is what your eyes tell you.  Look at how others behave. Of course you think you are separate.  This is what your human experience has shown you.  Now close your eyes and rewind all of the visuals and all of the experiences to the point in your human experience when you had no memories, no words, simply observation and awareness.  Yes, all of you have shared this time in your life, and then the learning began. And then the separation began.  Be as the child, indeed, if you will know peace.  If you will know connection.  If you will know you are so very loved.