Confrontation.  You
run from it.  That is
understandable.  Understand, however,
that you can run or stand still and find peace in the face of others’
confrontation.  What is
confrontation?  It is when two vibrations
conflict with each other in a tangible way. 
This in the physical world  is
often visible, audible, and tangible.  It
is as if two hard surfaces come into contact. 
How to respond and find peace? 
Become a soft surface.  Become
like water, which is strong, yet soft. 
Stand in the presence of any force which merely appears hard.  All is nothing but frequency.  Dissolve from your “harder” self in the
vibration of love and simply be.  Be love
and simply flow.  Observe the conflict
with no judgment and no fear.  Be
calm.  Be peace.  Be strong as water and flow with love.