


2022-04-25T07:57:15-04:00April 25th, 2022|

The devil made me do it. Making a deal with the devil. What is this thing called a devil? It is not a person. It is a name given to that which is far out of alignment with goodness and light—your true nature. Humans have made this concept into a [...]


2022-04-24T08:33:53-04:00April 24th, 2022|

At times you may feel you do not live up to your ideal version of yourself. It is all experience. How does each experience feel? If you are measuring one against another, this will cause you to feel as a failure or as a winner. What if you simply observe [...]

Only Here

2022-04-22T08:29:21-04:00April 22nd, 2022|

Here is what you are looking for. It is right before your eyes and right behind your eyes. You speak in terms of here and there, and you find separation. Speak only in terms of here, and you will begin to understand better your true nature—the nature of Consciousness. This [...]


2022-04-21T07:55:38-04:00April 21st, 2022|

What triggers you may have no effect on another. Why is this? For you all have unique experiences. Even two people going through the same thing will experience it uniquely based upon factors too many to enunciate here.  Do not assume that others react as you do in all cases. [...]


2022-04-20T08:07:48-04:00April 20th, 2022|

What happens when you awaken from a bad dream? For a while you are off balance, until the perspective from outside the dream shows you that you are fine. What happens when you watch a dramatic film? If you allow yourself to become totally absorbed in the drama, for a [...]


2022-04-18T08:02:12-04:00April 18th, 2022|

Be discerning. One can say anything they like but mean something completely different. How to know the difference? The heart is the test. Yes or no? This is how it can help you. There is a feeling that goes with each answer. At times it is subtle; at others it [...]


2022-04-17T08:02:58-04:00April 17th, 2022|

How could one come back from the dead? It seems a miracle. And that one is the one to have told you, “That which I have done, you, too, can do.” Does this mean there is no death? You have witnessed the death of physical bodies. You know that once [...]


2022-04-16T08:09:13-04:00April 16th, 2022|

Death is not the end. Yes, you have heard this before. And birth is not the beginning. This makes sense only when you get out of the story of your life, for within the story, of course there is a beginning and an end. And how could there be a [...]

Heaven on Earth

2022-04-15T08:02:15-04:00April 15th, 2022|

You fear death, for it is the great unknown, and yet, there are those who have been to the great unknown and come back to talk about it. Listen to them. Read their stories. There is great truth here, and much to teach you. Most importantly, pay attention to the [...]


2022-04-13T08:25:27-04:00April 13th, 2022|

Aim high. “I am aiming high!” you proclaim, and we ask you, “Why so low?” You limit yourself by setting very specific goals, for these are often set by human parameters. The soul knows no boundaries. The soul has a higher perspective than the human role. Aim for goals that [...]


2022-04-12T08:50:35-04:00April 12th, 2022|

Beingness. It is all you know. Question this. You have known beingness forever, yet upon taking your first breath after human birth, you took on a new story. Roll around in your story. Enjoy it completely … yes, even those moments when you wish you could die, for all are [...]


2022-04-11T07:00:16-04:00April 11th, 2022|

A drip of water can “drive you crazy,” as the human often terms such things.  A repetitious sound or sensation over which you have no seeming control comes into your awareness, and you allow it to take over your thoughts.  What an opportunity to see how you control your thoughts, [...]

The Brass Ring

2022-04-10T06:23:27-04:00April 10th, 2022|

Insecurities. They hold you back from making decisions and taking actions that would bring you great joy. We are not speaking about actions that would bring you success in human terms, but contentment and happiness that come from fulfillment. You are so very loved. So very loved. Very loved. Loved. [...]

Always Here

2022-04-09T06:42:07-04:00April 9th, 2022|

Silver linings. Why do they occur when you look at a dark cloud? For the sun is there. Where else can it be? And now you see its presence as a golden, shimmering light around the edge of what you perceive as darkness.  The clouds will pass, but the sun [...]


2022-04-08T07:56:48-04:00April 8th, 2022|

There is a part of you that knows you are loved and a part of you that rejects this. Dual nature. Come to understand this and you have broken the code. It is no secret to those of us in the higher realms that you are loved. Why is it [...]


2022-04-07T08:22:23-04:00April 7th, 2022|

“Don’t let it go to your head.”  “They have a big head.” In both of these instances, the words refer to a sense of self and not really the body part that sits above the neck, and we ask, “Why is this so?” For when the self-awareness is invested only [...]

By Its Nature

2022-04-06T08:12:14-04:00April 6th, 2022|

Things do not always happen “for a reason.” Things most often happen “as a result of.” They happen as a result of choices made and as a result of nature.  It is some animals’ nature to prey upon others and attack. It is some insects’ nature to eat wood for [...]

From the Soul

2022-04-05T07:58:41-04:00April 5th, 2022|

If you hesitate to have a challenging conversation with another, you are thinking from the limited human point of view. They and you are not only human. They need not realize this for you to shift your focus and approach them from soul-consciousness, which is a far more spacious point [...]

Always Connected

2022-04-04T08:03:38-04:00April 4th, 2022|

What if you could see each other the way your loved ones in spirit see you? Upon leaving the body-focus they are instantly aware that they still exist. The more they shift their focus to their new reality, the more they realize how connected all is. They can still see [...]

One Network

2022-04-03T06:41:08-04:00April 3rd, 2022|

You call it channeling … the act of bringing through words and gestures of higher beings. We call it channeling … watching you pick up your remote control and flip through the various stations on your television. Both are quite similar, actually, for you are shifting through various realities being [...]

Without Limits

2022-04-02T05:44:05-04:00April 2nd, 2022|

Breakthroughs. These are the moments when you reach a new level of understanding or ability. They happen continuously. Why? For you are on an ever-onward, ever-upward trajectory in the soul’s evolution. You did not come here to remain the same. What would be the purpose in that? No, you came [...]

The Best Medicine

2022-04-01T07:47:42-04:00April 1st, 2022|

Laughter is a strong emotional reaction, as is crying. Notice how they use the same physical muscles. Both are extra-ordinary ways of experiencing the ordinary. You have a preference, of course, for laughter is more aligned with connection, unless, of course, it is a collective crying in recognition of your [...]


2022-03-31T08:23:56-04:00March 31st, 2022|

When you experience conflict with another, you forget that you and that one arise from the same Source. Do you not yet realize that you came here as individuations of the one Light of Consciousness to dance and move and interact with others for the sheer joy of it? Yes, [...]

The One “I”

2022-03-30T08:04:10-04:00March 30th, 2022|

All is not as it seems. You fight each other for you only look at the surface. You see separation … differences … and you believe that one is “other than.” To the human, there is nothing more important than me, my, and mine. This is learned behavior, dear one. [...]


2022-03-29T08:23:00-04:00March 29th, 2022|

Why does the skin erupt in bumps? Yes, at times it is in response to a fright, but even this was caused by a shift in energy. Thoughts may cause this shift, but thoughts are arisings of Consciousness. What an excellent way for your guides and loved ones in spirit [...]

The Center of Being

2022-03-28T08:46:39-04:00March 28th, 2022|

You may have heard it said, “You are not the center of the universe.” From a human point of view, this may be correct. The Truth is quite different. From the spacious point of view of the soul, there is only “here” … in Conscious Awareness.  Consciousness is fundamental to [...]

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