Things do not always happen “for a reason.” Things most often happen “as a result of.” They happen as a result of choices made and as a result of nature.  It is some animals’ nature to prey upon others and attack. It is some insects’ nature to eat wood for food, and as a result, you call this destruction. Human nature is not completely destructive, but there are some aspects which are territorial and self-protective. Happily, you are not only human. You are also also also the soul who came here for the human experience. You do not give up or cease being the spacious awareness of the soul when you inhabit a body, but your human awareness of it does become occluded by repeated choices that are only human. Souls do not attack. Souls do not destroy or self-protect. You are both human and soul. Understand this and your choices will be far easier and more enlightened. Understand this and you will find compassion for other occluded humans.

You are so very loved.
