There is only one Mind.  We can say this a thousand times and still you think you walk alone.  How do you explain synchronicity?  How do you explain mediumship?  How do you explain telepathy?  How do you explain Love?  All is Energy.  All is Consciousness.  All is the Divine Mind experiencing itself.  And so, you delight when there is “an incredible coincidence.”  You think you and another must be thinking the same way.  Quite so.  What have we been telling you all along?  There is only One Mind doing the thinking.

Do us a favor and continue to hold this thought in your little aspect of that Mind and one day you will stop being so surprised.  It is quite all right to be delighted at the seeming coincidences.  Your Mind enjoys the delight, but allow that delight to lift you up into more of a sense of Oneness.  Returning to the state of complete and utter Love is what all of this is about anyway.