1 comparingWhy do you criticize yourself? It is the human way to compare. “This apple is shinier than that, and therefore more desirable. This house is bigger and more ornate, and therefore more desirable. That person is more beautiful than that other, and therefore more desirable.” Are you beginning to see a pattern? It is the only way the brain knows to work: categorizing, comparing, and adding meaning, going back to the most basic needs for survival, but convoluted in the present age by the ego’s comparisons.

Are you your brain? Part of you is, but that part is but a miniscule part of you compared with the greater part of You. If you are going to make comparisons, then focus on that part of You that is limitless, boundless, formless, all love and all beauty … beyond compare: the soul. Do you criticize the soul? Never.

When you catch yourself criticizing your self, the human, for a performance, an act, a job performed, or any other human action, see it as exactly that—a human action—and shift allegiance to the soul. The soul knows only love, and therefore has naught but compassion for the human who so easily lapses into self-criticism. There, there, blessed human, you are perfect in your own right, even when you criticize yourself for being human.