You wait for a certain event to pass with great anticipation.  When the time comes, it is not as you anticipated at all.  You call this anticlimactic.  You expected a climactic event, and the event itself was less than that.  Now we ask you to go back to each moment of pleasant anticipation.  Was not each moment delicious in itself?  It was enjoyable because you created those enjoyable moments in your mind.  You were feeding off the future.

What if you had anticipated an event which you feared?  Then each moment of anticipation would have been frightening.  Events eventually come to pass, for each event builds upon another.  The future never arrives, for there is only this moment now.  Do you wish to lessen these moments of fear and disappointment?  Focus here and now.  Here you will find peace by going to the center and finding that place that never changes, no matter what is going on around you.  Create pleasant moments in the same place that you create the future, but enjoy them here and now.