You set your clocks forward an hour, playing God.  “Look, we have just added more sunlight to the day!” but in doing so you proclaim, “I have just lost an hour.”  Oh, my.  Where did it go?  It did not go anywhere.  You will “get it back” again, in the Fall when you play with time again, thus maintaining balance.

Where do loved ones go when you say, “I lost them”?  They have not disappeared—only from your sight.  This reality is as much an illusion as is time—all of it constructed for the experience.  It is very real while experiencing it—very useful—but not the only construct of consciousness that exists.  You will see those who have passed again.  You spring forward and fall back and Life goes on creating and destroying, creating and destroying, and in between you rest … AUM ……………….

Note from Suzanne:  This message from Sanaya has a very deep underlying meaning, especially the ending, as Sanaya reminded me that the letters of AUM (and they were very clear that I should write it as AUM and not OM) represent the very concepts they shared in this message.  I looked up the meaning online:  “A” means Brahma (creation), “U” means Vishnu (maintenance or rest), and “M” means Shiva (destruction)..”  So, Creation, Rest, Destruction – the eternal cycle is inherent within the very sound of AUM, or OM.