mother loses a child and thinks it is the end of the world.  But what good comes of it?  First, always remember that the child is not
truly lost.  They are more with you than
ever.  They are safer than ever.  Does not the strong bond you have teach you
how to love more?  Does not the grief you
felt teach you compassion?  What are you
doing with that increased love and compassion? 
Is it bottled up, or are you pouring it outward, sending it on its way
to touch and help others?  In such a way
do you not become the answer to prayers just as others helped you when you
prayed for strength?

are sorry for your loss, but only because for a while you live in ignorance of
the reality of a far greater world and a far greater purpose in what you would
know as life and death.  All souls are
safe and loved  at all times.  The physical presence is important to you
now, and of course you grieve this, but your child is safe in our arms, just as
are you. 

goodness prevail and may love spread as a result of one more soul who has
traveled home after a brief sojourn in your world.