Pray not for what you would
like.  Pray not for what you desire.  Pray to be the clearest possible instrument
for Spirit—for God—to flow through you. 
God is Infinite Intelligence.  God
is pure Love.  God is Omniscience and
Omnipotence.  How could such a Power not
know what is best and what is needed for you at this moment?

Praying for God to give you
anything at all or to change things to the way you desire them is limiting
Omniscience.  What if you were to know
and trust that Spirit IS and Spirit knows what is best in the long run?  This take trust.  This takes faith.  Surrendering and allowing take faith, and
trust, and simply knowing that you exist and are having these life experiences
for a reason.

“Oh, God, Infinite Being, I AM
your instrument, and I thank you.  Allow
me to trust so that I allow You to flow through me.”  This is all the prayer you ever need.