In an effort to understand who you really are and experience Truth and to serve the Whole to the best of your abilities, you search for words and labels to re-identify yourself.  “I am not this body.  I am not this personal mind.  And so, what am I?” you ask of Higher Consciousness.  “I am ______” you say, and you wait.  And nothing comes to fill in the blank, and suddenly you get it.  When nothing fills in the empty space, all that remains is Being, and that is what and who you are.

I AM.  Why do you need more than that?  In your human roles you use labels to differentiate yourselves, and that is when the challenges begin.  When challenged, withdraw your focus from your human labels and subsequent identifications and simply BE.  Be what?  Why do you need a “what”?  Why fill in the blank?  When I AM is the sole/soul awareness, then Spirit flows, and the more you surrender to that flow, the more you realize the miracle(s) of Being.