Do not look upon animals
as lesser beings.  All consist of the
self-same essence.  Do your animals do to
each other what you have seen humans do? 
Yes, they kill, but what is the motive? 
They do not speak your language. 
Does that make them unintelligent? 
Your animals can teach you great lessons if you would allow them
to.  What if you were to treat all
animals with unconditional love and the respect of a brother or fellow traveler
on this journey of life?  Why then, your
heart would open even wider. 

Become an animal for a
day and appreciate the perfection of each of them.  Pick one at random and learn from these
“lesser” beings.  We daresay you might
see the world and yourself differently. 
You are all formed of love and from Love.   Blessings be upon you.