Fear is crippling.  This is true, but only because and when you
fail to notice its grip on you.  Fear is
of the ego, born of ignorance of the truth that you are far more than the ego.  You are gods … all of you.  Is this blasphemy?  Is this pantheism?  Not at all. 
What is a god?  An all-powerful
being, born of love, free to move about in consciousness and to create
realities.  You are limited to this
reality only by your fear, only by your lack of awareness—ignorance—of who you
are and of the power that flows through you as you.

Yes, you say, and how does
that help me to pay the rent?  When you
can rise above the fear of any situation at all and see from a greater
perspective, other options come into view. 
Above the fear there is peace, just as above the storm clouds there is
light and blue sky.   Enough said. 
May these words sink in to your heart and dispel the fear, which has
never been real, only a part of the illusion of separation.