The holidays … some look forward
to them with great anticipation and some dread them.  What a perfect example of how thoughts
directly determine your experience.  What
is a holiday, but a date on a calendar associated with time, which is nothing
but an artifice to allow you learning opportunities.  How can a date provide such variations of
experience?  For the thoughts you
associate with it are based solely upon your memories and beliefs. 

What do the holidays do to
you?  Absolutely nothing.  What do your thoughts do to you?  Absolutely everything when you allow them to
dictate your experience. 

How would you like to
experience the holidays this year?  Take
control of your life instead of allowing life to control you.  Wipe the slate of your mind clean, which you
can always do at any moment, and design the perfect holiday for yourself.  If that holiday is filled with love and
compassion for yourself, that is a good way to start.