Monthly Archives: June 2014

Just Playing

2014-06-09T13:44:00-04:00June 9th, 2014|

If you knew you could not die, how would that change things for you?  You would feel no fear, perhaps, or perhaps you would play more.  You go on and on eternally, growing in your expression of love.  Yes, into each life comes rain, and we do not wish to [...]

All One

2014-06-08T14:04:00-04:00June 8th, 2014|

You can do it all alone if you wish, for look at the basis of the word:  “All one.”  If you have the ability to tap into that place where all are one, then use it.  But while you are here on earth, why would you not capitalize on the [...]

No Need for Crying

2014-06-07T13:17:00-04:00June 7th, 2014|

When a baby cries, you run to help it.  Such an alarm incites action.  Pain in the body does the same thing for you now.  It sends a signal. “Action is necessary,” the cry for help says.  Once you have taken action, there is no need to dwell on it, [...]

Just Dancing

2014-06-06T14:16:00-04:00June 6th, 2014|

Divisiveness – when the one becomes more than one due to beliefs or actions.  You can see the very nature of the word here:  divided.  All is one in essence, but when there are differences, it is difficult to see this.  You live in a world of opposites.  Learning to [...]

With Compassion

2014-06-05T13:10:00-04:00June 5th, 2014|

Do not cast aspersions on another.  They know not what they do.  Yes, their actions as humans may be willful and result in harm of some sort, but the true soul of that person lies hidden beneath.  If all were aware of their true nature, you truly would experience Heaven [...]

Hershey Girl’s Gift

2014-06-04T23:18:00-04:00June 4th, 2014|

Synchronicities are signs of the interconnectedness of All That Is.  When we experience "coincidences" that have no rational explanation in the physical world, look beyond the physical world, where consciousness and Infinite Intelligence exists just as it does here.  What follows is the text of an email I recently received.  This wonderful story shows [...]

Your Natural Glow

2014-06-04T13:40:00-04:00June 4th, 2014|

Buy yourself a bauble or a new item of clothing.  Does it make you feel good?  Then we rejoice.  Whatever helps you to feel your beauty is to be celebrated.  You have no need for external adornments to accentuate the natural beauty that is you.  Your beauty lies in who [...]

2014-06-03T14:44:00-04:00June 3rd, 2014|

A favor from Suzanne:  If you have a copy of "In the Silence," the latest book of Sanaya's messages, and feel inspired to do so, would you please write a review of the book on  Your comments will help tremendously to bring these messages to those who do not [...]

Growing Treasure

2014-06-03T13:33:00-04:00June 3rd, 2014|

Benefits accrue.  Interest grows.  These sound like your banking and investment terms, do they not?  But we are speaking now of the investment you make in your soul.  The more often you make choices that come from love, the higher the return.  When you do little to build up your [...]

Just for Today

2014-06-02T13:49:00-04:00June 2nd, 2014|

There are none with whom your thoughts are more programmed than with those most close to you—your family.  We invite you to spend a day as a stranger in their presence.  What do you do when you meet someone for the first time?  You observe them.  You laugh at the [...]

A Simple Shift

2014-06-01T14:12:00-04:00June 1st, 2014|

When you do not know any other way to see a situation and that situation is taking you farther from a place of peace, shift your consciousness.  You do this with your imagination.  Become someone else and see yourself and your situation with their eyes.  Yes, a simple change in [...]

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