Monthly Archives: April 2014

What is Love?

2014-04-09T21:44:00-04:00April 9th, 2014|

A follower on Facebook asked me for a definition of Love.  Here is one Sanaya provided that I share at the beginning of my "Let Your Spirit SOAR Workshop":  What is Love? Your Eskimos have many words for snow.  You have one word for love, with many meanings.  It is [...]

Your Signature

2014-04-09T13:16:00-04:00April 9th, 2014|

Fish frying in a pan.  Flowers in bloom.  What do they have in common?  Both catch your attention by the vibration they emit.  You call it a smell.  We call it an energetic signature.  How do you wish to catch people’s attention when they go by?  Do you wish them [...]


2014-04-08T12:58:00-04:00April 8th, 2014|

Ignorance is at the root of all discord.  The greatest of all misunderstandings arise from ignorance of the true nature of things.  Man, animal, nature … none are distinct from God.  All are ways of expressing Spirit, which in reality has no form.  If all were aware of this fact [...]

Divine Protection

2014-04-07T15:27:00-04:00April 7th, 2014|

Saved by an angel this morning ... Ty and I are out of town, so we went for a run in new territory.  Within the first five minutes I clearly sensed that we would encounter a loose dog.  My initial thought was to stop running, but then I chose differently. [...]


2014-04-07T12:07:00-04:00April 7th, 2014|

So many light workers.  In a company you have many levels.  You have the worker bees, without whom nothing would get done.  You have the managers and clerical personnel who take care of the day to day operations.  You have the public relations people and the sales people who take [...]

Just Imagine

2014-04-06T11:07:00-04:00April 6th, 2014|

Prepare to be surprised. All manner of blessings come to those who surrender and allow themselves to be God-guided.  When you find the trust to let go of the thought that things must go exactly as you had planned, then they often go far better than you had imagined.  Yes, [...]

Thou Art That

2014-04-05T12:38:00-04:00April 5th, 2014|

Can you look back upon your life and see how those who raised you implanted certain beliefs in you about yourself?  Do this exercise with caution.  Dip into the past only briefly for the learning and realizations, and then step back quickly into the now with your eyes opened a [...]

Staying Grounded

2014-04-04T11:21:00-04:00April 4th, 2014|

When you let adrenaline and emotion take over, you cease being guided and you cease listening.  It is then that you can easily be thrown over the handlebars.  Yes, all of life is a lesson when you pay attention.  This is what we are asking you to do now and [...]

Film Festival!

2014-04-03T12:59:00-04:00April 3rd, 2014|

Wow! The "Messages of Hope" documentary based on my story and book by the same name has been selected for the Toronto Beaches Film Festival to be held this June 27th.  I must admit it still feels strange to think of people I don't know seeing me and my family on [...]

In Answer …

2014-04-03T12:27:00-04:00April 3rd, 2014|

When one you love is in denial Look upon them with a smile They are as a child in need So now our message please do heed Sit back and watch their role unfold The little child do not scold They hurt enough--it's why they do The things that most [...]


2014-04-02T11:06:00-04:00April 2nd, 2014|

When you are aware that you are in this world but not of it, you have greater freedom.  You become aware of your ability to choose what role you will assume from moment to moment, for that is what you are doing, you know:  playing a role.  And so, you [...]

2014-04-01T22:50:00-04:00April 1st, 2014|

Ty and I are really looking forward to our summer tour.  One of our stops is a return visit to Unity on the North Shore, located just outside of Chicago.  I just learned that the church is using my book, “Messages of Hope,” and the Messages of Hope documentary for [...]

April Fools

2014-04-01T13:01:00-04:00April 1st, 2014|

I apologize for the picture that accompanies Sanaya Says today (  See the April 1st post – or don’t, if it means you’ll blow your diet.  (In which case you might want to read my first book, “Conquer Your Cravings.”) In any case, happy April!  This day brings fond memories [...]

A Pinch More …

2014-04-01T12:38:00-04:00April 1st, 2014|

A baker’s dozen … this is when you receive more than you asked or paid for.  It is a special treat given out of kindness and generosity.  You receive that extra something and feel as if you have won a lottery of sorts.  How easy it was for the baker to [...]

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