Monthly Archives: December 2013


No Matter What

2013-12-02T12:55:00-05:00December 2nd, 2013|

Zero defects.  This is a mentality that allows no room for error.  Of course, this depends upon what you consider an error.  All standards are set by consciousness.  They are not laws set in stone, but set by a group or an individual.  Examine your beliefs and why you adhere [...]

Every One of Them

2013-12-01T11:40:00-05:00December 1st, 2013|

“This is a big day!” you say, and the pulse quickens.  Adrenaline rushes through the body, and this you recognize as feeling nervous.  What caused this?  Your thoughts.  Your perception that the events of this day are more important than those of another day have just changed the timbre, the [...]

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