“This is a big day!” you say, and the pulse quickens.  Adrenaline rushes through the body, and this
you recognize as feeling nervous.  What
caused this?  Your thoughts.  Your perception that the events of this day
are more important than those of another day have just changed the timbre, the
tone of that day.

Do you not realize that not just every day, but every moment is
big?  How do you make the most of every
moment?  By tuning in to that side of you
which is spirit, not the human side, which experiences doubt and
nervousness.  Allow yourself to be
God-guided, and there is no need for nervousness ever.  You would not be experiencing this big,
glorious moment of life were it not for the ever-present loving guidance of
Spirit.  Relax and enjoy this big moment
right now.  Spirit is with you, guiding
you all the way.  It is only the human
side of you that feels nervousness, and only when you forget these truths.  Enjoy every moment of your life, every day of
your life, remembering that they are all grand, and that you are guided by the
greatest Force there is … Love.