Monthly Archives: April 2013


2013-04-02T10:43:00-04:00April 2nd, 2013|

Why does it feel good to judge others?  Because it satisfies the ego’s goals.  Ego cannot survive if you see all others as spirit beings.  Ego must make you see yourself as a separate, superior being if it is to survive.  It continuously whispers in your ear, nudging you to [...]

Without Words

2013-04-01T12:03:00-04:00April 1st, 2013|

Kindred spirits.  This is what you call those special friends who need not even speak.  Without words you understand each other at a level deeper than most.  You resonate … humming in concordance because your thoughts are so closely attuned.  Note the word held within a word:  “kind.”  Kindred spirits [...]

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