“You cannot win.” Another of your sayings. What is “winning?” It is when you can beat the chest and say, “Do you see? I am victorious. I was right. I caused the other to admit defeat.” Is that truly winning? What have you won, other than a momentary satisfaction of the ego? And what have you proven to your ego? That separation exists and is real. In your heart you know there is no separation. When you truly understand this, then it becomes clear that the greater You cannot win, for there is no winning and losing. These are aspects of duality. In Spirit, all is One. There is no winning and losing. All exists. All is. All is Love.
If you are focusing on winning and losing, on right and wrong, then you have stepped out of Love, out of Oneness, and into ego. YOU cannot win. YOU cannot lose. YOU are Love. Focus on that, and the need to win or lose becomes completely irrelevant.