Family members do not always
do what you would like or expect.  Why
should they?  You chose each other for
the growth opportunities you would provide to the other.  If all of you were perfectly loving and
compatible, why then you would have to go and find someone else to push your
buttons so that you could practice unconditional love.

We hope you read our words with humor, for humor is what is often necessary in
dealing with family matters.  Humor and
compassion, for all of you see life from a different perspective depending on
the seat you have been occupying in this theater in the round you call
life.  Same family or not, that seat is
different from that of others in your family, so when differences arise,
realize that their perspective may differ from yours and love them anyway.  You may no longer share a room or a roof, but
you do share a lineage, and there is a reason for that.