Responsibility goes in
all directions.  If you truly wish to
change things, you have a responsibility to your children, to your parents, to
your friends, your family, and to yourself. 
Why is this?  All is one.  What affects one affects all of you. 

You all understand
fear, and grief, and anger, and love, for you all have felt these.  How can billions of people feel and
understand the very same emotions?  For the
separation between you is an illusion.  Yes,
you all feel or do not feel emotions in varying degrees based upon the level
you have let ego take precedence over the spirit, but all of you came into this
life as the essence of love.  Due to free
will and the influence of those around you, your understanding and expression
of love has diverged from that purity.  Getting
back to that pure essence is your major task in life.  Helping others to find it within themselves
will help you as well.  Why?  Because there is no separation.  It is all the self-same Force which animates
all of you or you would not cry out so loudly when love is absent.

Keep seeking this
Force, and in so doing you will learn to express it.  In so doing, you will learn that you ARE it.