Your Source is not separate from you, but It is larger than you. Feel It settle in your heart, this presence, this Christ Consciousness, this knowing that God is not a being, that God is “being,” itself. Can you worship that? You need not worship at all. Simply participate in that joyous unfolding of existence—of Life in all its glory. You are that.
The real you is Life, itself. We are not talking of a body. We are not talking of a mind. Never mind the name or labels. These are what hold you back from knowing your magnificence. Let them all go, and what remains? Existence. Love. Being. That is God. But that being-ness is not separate. It is your essence. Do you see now?
Go forth this day with joy in knowing this. Do not shout to the world with exuberance in your joy, “I am God!” for many will not understand. And until you can look upon the poorest beggar and the mightiest tyrant and say, “And that is God as well,” then you do not understand. Until you can look beyond all external appearances and all physical actions and see the true essence of Being-ness in all things, then we simply ask you to express love in all you do. Do this and realization will come.