Belief — it is all-important.  If you do not believe a thing is possible, you will not attempt it, and if you do, you will do so half-heartedly.  What a good word to describe how one approaches a task:  with the heart either engaged or not.  Half-heartedly, whole heartedly, with all your heart and soul or your heart is not in it.  Do you see how important the heart is in all that you do?  Believe that all things are possible.  Yes, of course on the earth plane there are rules and laws of science.  No matter how much you believe you can walk on water, the laws of science say this is impossible, yet one man did so, did he not?  Was it his belief or was it the need to show what is real or was it both?  What does your heart say?  Most importantly, what does your belief in such stories and in what is possible say to you?  These are the kinds of questions you can ask of higher consciousness.  Ask them from the heart and trust the answers.  Then, as you apply what you learn, you will move from believing to knowing.