Are you in the flow?  How is your life flowing, in other words?  Do you experience frustration or wonder at how things come together?  It is not a case of some being more blessed than another.  All are blessed as unique expressions of one Light.  Perhaps some feel they are stand-alone and struggle alone, feeling they must control life, and this is when the challenges start.  What if you change the “I must and I should and they must and they shoulds” to “What if there are unseen helpers standing by to guide me?”  And “What if I stop trying to control my life and that of others and ask for assistance from these unseen helper?”  That is enough of a start.  You will have opened just enough of a crack in the dam to experience enough flow to take notice.  Notice of what?  That you are not alone.  That life flows when you allow it to do so.  That is all.  You are so very loved.  Trust us in this.
