merry go roundUp and down, round and round … you rode a merry-go-round as a child and laughed with delight.  Now as an adult do you see how this carnival ride is a most fitting analogy for human life?  Choose a pony.  It becomes your point of view, your story.  Round and round you go, having your experiences and learning your lessons along the way, but patterns continue to repeat themselves as different riders get on and off.  Up and down you go as you go through these cycles, exactly like a sine wave with perfect predictability.  You can rely on this pattern, for it is but another law of life, like the law of balance:  what goes up …

And on and on, round and round you go.

Now to the point.  What is at the center of the merry-go-round?  Why, perfect stillness.  After a while, when you begin to get a bit dizzy, you realize from all that round and round, up and down that there is a resting place you can go for however long you like.  There it is calm.  There you can decide when to get back on the ride.  You go there for short periods each day and also between lifetimes, until you decide there is yet more to experience, yet more to learn.  And back you go onto your pony, or perhaps a carriage this time.

Notice how each rider has a bit of a different perspective from yours as each goes round and round, up and down with you.  It is such a fitting analogy, is it not?  And now for a question we leave you with:  Are you an individual rider, or are you the ride operator?  Or are you all of it all at once?  Answer that question correctly and you have just grabbed the brass ring.