A gathering of angels at your side …
It makes no sense to run and hide.
They come to teach and show the way—
A touch of grace that starts your day.

You always have this team of helpers with you. Can you imagine navigating this world completely alone? A frightening thought, perhaps, to those who do not realize how very much help surrounds them at all times. You are not a solo wanderer. You are part of All That Is—born of the Source of All Love. It is that same Love that wishes you to succeed in this experience you are having as you.

Success in spiritual terms is quite different than the material. May you have whatever material success you think you desire, but may your growth as a spirit-being be ever upward as you learn to see and be only love. This is when your team of unseen helpers is most present—when you place your focus on true success and ask for their help. Why, you will almost hear them singing, such is the joy engendered when you realize why you exist.