shining jewelDo not be so hard on yourself. All of your thoughts and actions which are less than loving are born of the ego—born of ignorance of your eternal spirit nature. Ego knows only separation and wishes for you to pay attention only to him. He is quite a persistent fellow, having a powerful survival instinct. It is your job to overcome that instinct. You do this not by fighting ego, nor by ignoring him, but by acknowledging him. “Yes, I hear you. Thank you for helping me to operate in this world,” you can say to ego, with the full awareness that there is another world of which you are a part here and now.

Having acknowledged ego and his value, step into full awareness of your eternal self and make the highest choices. Do not delude yourself. As long as you walk in human form, ego will walk with you, but he need not rule. He is a dull fellow, while spirit is your bright and shining jewel.