Note from Suzanne:  Did you hear the news?  StoweGood (Karen Taylor Good and Stowe Dailey) will sing “If Not for Love” live from Nashville at the end of my live online session with Sanaya on December 20th.  CLICK HERE for more info and to reserve your free registration link.

night-1245875_1280What good do your words and actions do in helping others heal?  Do they provide a band aid?  A balm?  Most definitely.  Those are protective elements from further harm and they aid in the healing process, but it is your light, a very real energy, that truly ignites healing.  Your love as light effects change and healing at an energetic level that is lasting.  As you go about your healing ministry, with or without words—and all of you are healers in this regard, effecting change in every interaction if you so choose—simply focus on the light within and turn it up.