And the question has been given:  Why do some people face more pain than
others?  And the answer is that these souls
are the bravest of the brave.  Before
stepping into their earthly bodies they have agreed to face challenges.  They do so knowing that overcoming these
challenges will help to raise the consciousness of the whole.  Not only will their soul advance at a greater
pace, but so will the souls of others around them.  Yes, it is true that not all those who suffer
will awaken and remember the agreement and see the purpose, but those who do
become the greatest teachers and the brightest lights.  They need not stand before large crowds and
teach in a literal sense.  There are many
ways to be a teacher.  Trust us that upon
their return Home they are celebrated and appreciated with much gratitude.  May these words help those who suffer to love
and appreciate their sacrifices at a (w)holy new level.