You are Love at the center.  In truth, you cannot be anything but Love, for Love is your Source, your basic essence.  From Love you come and to Love you shall return when the physical body no longer serves you, yet it is Love that forms the body as well.  You cannot escape it, this Love that fuels you, is you.  Why do you try so hard to get that which you already are?  For you have placed so much attention on the more basic needs, desires, and impulses of the human being that you fail to see that what you seek is closer than your breath.  Shift your focus to the heart, that place and space within you that is the bridge between all levels of awareness, all levels of being, and ask to remember.  Do this often and see how that changes things for you.  You are so very loved.

Note from Suzanne:  Why the raccoon photo?  I was told to use it in answer to someone’s request for a sign!