If you cannot love yourself,
then when others who have shown you love are no longer present, the pain in
your heart will be quite acute – more so than the losses that all experience as
a part of normal human life.  This is a
sign.  That pain is telling you that this
area is in need of healing, not filling by another outside of yourself. 

Faced with this aching hole,
many will rush to fill it with a new love, or with chemical substances, food,
excess activity … anything that will temporarily fill the emptiness of
perceived loss.  It is never filled
permanently from the outside, but from the inside, like a deep well that had
run dry.  How to get the wellspring flowing
again?  First, be grateful for those who
show(ed) you love, and then turn that love on yourself. 

“Unworthy!  Unworthy!” 
Aha!  Do you see how ego subverts
your efforts?  Now go back, back in your
human life and discover the source of this lie. 
There may be more than one person or event which caused you to believe
this about yourself.  This has been
causing a blockage in the wellspring of self-love within you.  As you discover these blockages and remove
them, the Love within you will flow back in to fill that perceived void.  Then no other beside you is necessary.  Appreciated, of course, but only so that you
can bestow upon them the fullness of who you are, Love, and finally find peace.