Guilt serves a purpose.  It is a powerful teacher and motivator.  But like a poke in the side, it need only
alert you that an adjustment in thought and action is in order.  To allow the thorn to continue poking and
causing you discomfort is a waste and can be detrimental to your growth.  You have the power to remove this pain
instantly.  Acknowledge its source,
whether deserved or not, and then make a decision to remedy it.  “But it is too late!” you cry.  “The deed is done!”  No matter. 
Examine the motives of all involved. 
Examine the circumstances, but do so from the higher perspective of
spirit looking down on all of the players with compassion and
understanding.  Now, with that understanding,
vow to do the best you are capable of at all times of being love and giving
love.  Forgive yourself for being
human.  Forgive yourself for your limited
perspective, and give yourself and all others the gift of gratitude.  Remove that thorn in your side with gratitude
for this lesson in forgiveness and understanding.